Antonio Puliafito - Software Defined Smart Cities: Integrating the Cyber World with the Internet of Things
Antonio Puliafito is a full professor of computer engineering at the University of Messina, Italy. His interests include parallel and distributed systems, networking, IoT, Cloud computing, advanced analytical modeling techniques. He regularly acts as a referee for the European Community since 1998. He contributed to the development of the software tools WebSPN, ArgoPerformance and Stack4Things. He leads the Toolsmart project to enhance re-using of smart city solutions in the cities of Turin, Padua, Lecce and Syracuse. He is the Director of the Lab on Smart Cities & Communities of the Italian Consortium on Informatics (CINI).
Click Antonio Puliafito - Software Defined Smart Cities - Integrating the Cyber World with the Internet of Things.pdf link to view the file.